1. The Emotional Regulation and the Significant Emotional Relationships - to a theory of emotional disturbance Autori: C. Ciuluvica (Neagu), M. Fulcheri
2. The Role Of Social Factors In Eating Disorders Autor: Laurentiu Mitrofan
3. An Experiential Psychological Evaluation Procedure for Emotional Subclinical Disorders in Undergraduate Psychology Students Autor: Geanina Cucu-Ciuhan
4. THE BLOODY SCREAM - Borderline Personality Disorder, Self-Injuring and Suicidal Behaviors Autor: Sorina Daniela Dumitrache
5. Individual Experiential Psychotherapy of Unification for Treatment of Depression Autor: Nicoleta Raban-Motounu
6. PRIMARY TRAUMA VERSUS VICARIOUS TRAUMA - Analysys in the context of assistance programmes developed for persons with a history of recurrent sexual abuse Autor: Alexandra Mihaela Mitroi
7. The Value Of Role-Playing In Activating Internal Resources Autor: Elena Vladislav
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